ALERTS: Legislative Update, February 5, 2022
Tennessee General Assembly information, click HERE. For information on State Senators, including phone numbers and email addresses, click HERE; for House members, click HERE. For information on legislation, click HERE.
Don't forget that you can now watch the Senate committee meetings and floor sessions online by going HERE; House committee meetings and floor sessions online HERE.
Phone calls can go to the legislative Switchboard at 615-741-3011 or to the Toll Free number 1-800-449-8366+1 last four digits of office phone number (available online).
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Well, it seems that with the Bill Filing deadline having passed, the pace of the General Assembly will pick up significantly. 1,246 bills were filed for the second session of the 112th General Assembly. Of course, all the bills from the 2021 session that weren't defeated or passed are still available for action. Think about what that means. The bills that are passed can make important changes in the way we live our lives, how we get to do things, what limits or what freedoms are imposed, etc. We should take the responsibility to pray for the legislative process seriously. I hope you will do that.
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So what do you think? Doesn't this rate contacting your Senator and House member asking them if Drag Queen Bingo is an appropriate activity at the University of Tennessee??
Tennessee Senators Tennessee House members
I think you will agree that each of the bills below are worthy of a few minutes of your time.
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SB 0657 by *Bowling - HB 0578 by *Ragan , WEAVER
Children - As introduced, prohibits the provision of sexual identity change therapy to prepubescent minors; prohibits the provision of sexual identity change therapy to minors who have entered puberty unless a parent or guardian has written recommendations for the therapy from at least three physicians; punishes violations as child abuse; designates violations by healthcare professionals as professional misconduct.
STATUS: HB 578 is scheduled in House Health Committee on Wednesday.
ALERT: This is an extremely important bill. PLEASE click on the Committee link and urge the members to support
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SB 1823 by *Johnson - HB 1867 by *Zachary
Employees, Employers - As introduced, requires an employer with a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy to grant an exemption to the policy to any person who provides a medical reason supported by a statement from a licensed healthcare practitioner or a religious reason, and makes other related changes; specifies that a healthcare practitioner that provides such a statement is acting within the practitioner's scope of practice, immune from civil liability, and protected from disciplinary action by a health-related board.
STATUS: HB1867 is in the House Civil Justice Subcommittee on Wednesday.
ACTION: Please click on the committee link and urge the lawmakers to support this important bill.
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SB 1837 by *Hensley - HB 1694 by *Casada
Religion and Religious Organizations - As introduced, prohibits the state, a political subdivision, or a public official from prohibiting, or imposing additional restrictions on, the lawful operations of a church or religious organization, including religious services or activities, during a state of emergency, major disaster, or natural disaster.
STATUS: HB 1694 is in the House State Government Committee on Tuesday.
ACTION: Click on the link above and please contact the members of this committee and urge them to protect our religious freedom.
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SB 1216 by *Niceley - HB 0800 by *Griffey
Textbooks - As introduced, prohibits the state textbook and instructional materials quality commission from recommending or listing, the state board of education from approving for local adoption or from granting a waiver for, and LEAs and public charter schools from adopting or using textbooks and instructional materials or supplemental instructional materials that promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender issues or lifestyles.
STATUS: HB800 was heard very successfully in the House Finance Ways and Means Subcommittee. Because it has a Fiscal Note that needs to be worked out, the committee and Rep. Griffey decided that the easiest way to handle that was to take it 'Off Notice', get the Fiscal Note worked out, then put it back on the Committee Calendar.
Gov. Bill Lee is jumping into the school book debate. How it could play out in Tennessee .
Lawmakers Target LGBTQ Issues in Schools .
ICYMI: Tennessee Senate ousts sitting senator for first time ever
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