Legislative Update, April 3, 2021

Tennessee General Assembly information, click HERE. For information on State Senators, including phone numbers and email addresses, click HERE; for House members, click HERE. For information on legislation, click HERE.
Don't forget that you can now watch the Senate committee meetings and floor sessions online by going HERE; House committee meetings and floor sessions online HERE.
Phone calls can go to the legislative Switchboard at 615-741-3011 or to the Toll Free number 1-800-449-8366+1 last four digits of office phone number (available online).


“It is finished” (John 19:30). The term for “it is finished” (tetelestai) was used in several ways—to show a bill had been paid, a task finished, a sacrifice offered, a masterpiece completed. Each of them applies to what Jesus did on our behalf on the cross! It's Friday... But Sunday's a Coming!



Several legislators were in quarantine this week, having been exposed to Covid. Good News: Rep. David Byrd is finally home, and he is SO happy to be able to spend time with his family and especially his Grand-babies. Sherry will be taking him to and from his rehab appointments treatment. David's family is very grateful for your continued prayers recognizing that they are definitely a big part of what brought David through this terrible ordeal, and they hope you continue praying because he still has a long road ahead of him.  As more committees shut down for the year, please pray for peace, accord, focus, wisdom and attention to detail which is desperately needed.  This should not become a 'race to get out of Nashville.'



Well, this is very clever.  Normally, unlike a BILL that travels through the legislative process with a companion in each chamber, a JOINT RESOLUTION is normally a single effort traveling in one direction (an HJR starting in the House, then going to the Senate; an SJR starting in the Senate going to the House.)  Regardless of the origin or direction of movement, Eagle Forum strongly opposes an Article V Convention as well as opposing ARTIFICIAL term limits.

Today’s problems in Washington do not stem from defects in the Constitution, but rather Washington’s departure from the Constitution’s original meaning and interpretation. Just as an informed electorate would be necessary for upholding any new amendments, so too is an informed electorate necessary for the preservation of the current U.S. Constitution. Therefore, the solution is not a lack of new amendments, but a lack of education about and fidelity to the current Constitution.
                Many national supporters have been misleading the public and state legislators for years, telling them that the state legislatures will control the convention process; that Congress has only a ministerial role to call the time and date of the convention; that the state legislatures will control their delegates to the convention; that the delegates must stick to the subject of the application, and on it goes.

In addition, under the present administration, opening up a Constitutional Convention is a risky situation on its face.  But can we for a minute think about the CIRCUS this would become? The deliberations would NOT take place in a small room with the windows nailed closed as the original convention took place.  This event would have the crush of media, the social media, the Soros-types generously funding the issues and delegates that they preferred.


Looking around at the world in which we are living today, this sounds like a great idea. But.....an Article V convention is completely uncharted territory and there really are important things to know about:
Don’t Be Fooled by Article V Conventions. Five reasons to oppose congressional term limits .

SJR 0199 by *Rose 
Constitutional Conventions - Makes application to Congress for the purpose of calling an Article V convention to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to set a limit on the number of terms to which a person may be elected as a member of the Congress of the United States.
STATUS: SJR199 is in Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee Tuesday morning.
ACTION:  Please review the links below and contact members of this committee and urge them to OPPOSE SJR199: Sen. Bo Watson sen.bo.watson@capitol.tn.gov , Sen. John Stevens sen.john.stevens@capitol.tn.gov, Sen. Joey Hensley sen.joey.hensley@capitol.tn.gov , Sen. Todd Gardenhire sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov , Sen. Ferrell Haile sen.ferrell.haile@capitol.tn.gov , Sen. Jack Johnson sen.jack.johnson@capitol.tn.gov , Sen. Jon  Lundberg sen.jon.lundberg@capitol.tn.gov , Sen. Ken Yager sen.ken.yager@capitol.tn.gov , Sen. Jeff Yarbro sen.jeff.yarbro@capitol.tn.gov , Sen. Dawn White sen.dawn.white@capitol.tn.gov .


HJR 0008 by *Todd ,  Eldridge, Mannis, Garrett, Zachary, Doggett, Calfee, Williams, Ogles, Bricken, Hurt 
Constitutional Conventions - Makes application to Congress for the purpose of calling an Article V convention to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to set a limit on the number of terms to which a person may be elected as a member of the Congress of the United States.
STATUS:  On the House floor Thursday, April 8. Please review the articles below and contact your House members urging him or her to OPPOSE HJR0008.


SB 0657 by *Bowling - HB 0578 by *Ragan , WEAVER
Children - As introduced, prohibits the provision of sexual identity change therapy to prepubescent minors; prohibits the provision of sexual identity change therapy to minors who have entered puberty unless a parent or guardian has written recommendations for the therapy from at least three physicians; punishes violations as child abuse; designates violations by healthcare professionals as professional misconduct.

The Victims of Childhood Transgenderism Have Spoken Out - It's Time for Joe Biden To Listen .
‘Transition’ Treatment Harms Kids, Veteran Psychiatrist at UK Gender Clinic Says .

STATUS:  HB578 is scheduled in the Health Committee on Wednesday. Please contact these members and urge them to support HB578: Rep. Bob Freeman rep.bob.freeman@capitol.tn.gov . Rep. Yusuf Hakeem rep.yusuf.hakeem@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Tim Hicks rep.tim.hicks@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Pat Marsh rep.pat.marsh@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Bob Ramsey rep.bob.ramsey@capitol.tn.gov .


SB 0494 by *Pody - HB 1079 by *Sexton J
Abortion - As introduced, permits a person to petition a court for an injunction to prohibit a woman who is pregnant with the person's unborn child from obtaining an abortion; requires the petitioner to execute a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity that is not subject to being rescinded or challenged. 

This bill authorizes a person to petition a court with jurisdiction over domestic relations matters to request an injunction to prohibit a woman who is pregnant with the person's unborn child from obtaining an abortion. An injunction issued pursuant to this bill will prohibit the respondent from seeking or obtaining an abortion.
STATUS: SB494 is scheduled in Senate Judiciary Tuesday.  
ACTION: Please contact these members and urge him or her to protect a father's rights to his child. Sen. Katrina Robinson Sen.Katrina.Robinson@capitol.tn.gov, Sen. Todd Gardenhire sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov . Sen. Sara Kyle sen.sara.kyle@capitol.tn.gov.
STATUS: HB1079 is in Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee on Wednesday. 
ACTION:  Please contact these committee members and urge them to support HB1079: Rep. Rush Bricken rep.rush.bricken@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. John Gillespie rep.john.gillespie@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Torrey Harris rep.torrey.harris@capitol.tn.gov, Rep. Mike Stewart rep.mike.stewart@capitol.tn.gov



Abortion - As introduced, requires disposition of aborted fetal remains to be by burial or cremation; requires the department of health to promulgate certain rules and forms; and makes certain other changes regarding the disposition of fetal remains

STATUS: HB1181 was in the House Health Subcommittee on Wednesday.  Rep. Rudd had an amendment to be adopted. Committee Chairman Bob Ramsey called for a vote on the Amendment. A few voices were heard, and he declared that the amendment had FAILED.  Thankfully Rep. Robin Smith raised her hand and requested a roll call vote. When that vote was taken, it passed 6-4.  Fancy that!!!!!!
Then some of the bravest and most committed ladies I have ever heard - who had previously been 'pro-abortion' and worked for Planned Parenthood - testified in favor of this act of dignity. I would ask you to view this testimony (on the left side, scroll down to HB1181) and do have the tissue ready. The job of one of these dear ladies was to 'put the bodies back together' and make sure all the parts were accounted for after the abortion. They represented an organization in Texas, 'And Then there Were NONE' established to 'provide financial, emotional, spiritual and legal support to anyone wishing to leave the abortion industry. 
ACTION: Please contact these members and urge them to SUPPORT HB1181: Rep. Bob Freeman rep.bob.freeman@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Yusuf Hakeem rep.yusuf.hakeem@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Tim Hicks rep.tim.hicks@capitol.tn.gov, Rep. Sabi Kumar rep.sabi.kumar@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Pat Marsh rep.pat.marsh@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Kevin Vaughan rep.kevin.vaughan@capitol.tn.gov , Rep. Sam Whitson rep.sam.whitson@capitol.tn.gov

STATUS: SB828 is scheduled in Senate Judiciary on Tuesday.
ACTION:  Please contact these members and ask that they suppport this important bill:Sen. Katrina Robinson Sen.Katrina.Robinson@capitol.tn.gov,   Sen. Todd Gardenhire sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov . Sen. Sara Kyle sen.sara.kyle@capitol.tn.gov




SB 0187 by *Bowling - HB 0013 by *Hulsey , GRIFFEY, CEPICKY, REEDY, WEAVER, SMITH, CALFEE, HALL, RUDD
Public Health - As introduced, prohibits state and local authorities from forcing, requiring, or coercing a person to receive an immunization or vaccination for COVID-19 against the person's will. 

STATUS: Sen. Janice Bowling did an OUTSTANDING job in her presentation on this bill to the committee, answering questions and defending this legislation. She was blinded sided by an unexpected amendment.  I would highly recommend that you view the debate here (click on this link then find the bill number on the left side of the screen and click on it. Because of amending it, it is on the view list twice, so scroll down for the last part of the debate.) In the end, it was completely rewritten - see second article below for the text of the amendment. Despite her best efforts, THIS BILL IS AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF THE 'SAUSAGE MAKING' PROCESS OF THE LEGISLATURE. Originally, it was supposed to provide Religious Exemptions to all mandated vaccines to Tennesseans, and it was amended to only apply to the COVID-19 pandemic.
SB187 was on the Senate Health and Welfare Committee calendar Wednesday where it passed 8-1: Voting yes were Crowe, Haile, Hensley, Jackson, Massey, Reeves, Swann, Watson; voting no was Yarbro. We don't yet know when it will be on the Senate floor. HB013 has been moved to the FINAL House Health Committee meeting. We don't yet know when that will be. 

Community Rallies to Support Vaccine Exemption Bill Ahead of Hearing; Senate Committee Recommends Passage .

Group Says Amendment Passed by State Senate Committee to Afford Religious Exemptions to Vaccines in Pandemic Has Been Watered Down .



FINALLY -- VICTORY -- AND FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME EVER, WE PASSED TWO BILLS WITHOUT A SINGLE NO VOTE!!!! Both the bills below will now go to the Governor for his signature.   Reps. Doggett and Moody did great jobs on the House Floor this week. 

SB 1124 by *White--HB 1006 by *Doggett
Juvenile Offenders - As introduced, expands the unruly act of illegal use of a communication device by a minor to include possessing or transmitting an image of sexual activity involving a minor. 



SB 0274 by *Rose - HB 0326 by *Moody
Child Custody and Support - As introduced, removes custody, visitation, or inheritance rights for a parent who has been convicted of aggravated statutory rape, statutory rape by an authority figure, or lesser included offenses of rape, from which crime the child was conceived







Why Lt. Gov. Randy McNally signing on to the Bible bill will likely kill it for the year .

Commentary: New Census Data Show Homeschooling Tripled During the Pandemic—And One Key Group Is Driving the Surge .

Governor Lee Reintroduces Mental Health Trust Fund Proposal .

Tennessee Senate passes bill to level playing field for small businesses .

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